Ranking Job


Rank Job Type Exp
31 zew S_zew Level 1 with 0 Exp
32 CottonCandy S_Cheolly Level 1 with 0 Exp
33 Croos_Fire PG_Croos Level 1 with 0 Exp
34 AloneMyHeart ALONE Level 1 with 0 Exp
35 BeGaSuS PG_BeGaSuS Level 1 with 0 Exp
36 Born2BeHero 1e1 Level 1 with 0 Exp
37 Born2Murder Born2Murderr Level 1 with 0 Exp
38 DelaVega DV Level 1 with 0 Exp
39 DooM Dragz Level 1 with 0 Exp
40 Enzyme Enzy Level 1 with 0 Exp